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Members: 177
Series: 0
Stories: 14
Chapters: 14
Word count: 37010
Authors: 1
Reviews: 1
Reviewers: 1
Newest Member: ysywad
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Childhood Treasures by Devil Doll PG-13
"She isn't quite sure what they're waiting for, only that the waiting is harder...
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The Happiest Place on Earth by Devil Doll PG-13
"Now a week stretched before them in the hell on Earth that was Cocoa Beach."...
Alexander the Great [2] Stories based mainly on the books by Mary Renault. Not that horrible movie.
Chronicles of Narnia [1] Stories based on the books, inspired by the movies.
DC Comics [2] Because when I was a kid, I wanted to be Robin.
Stargate Atlantis [9] The stargate is totally not a metaphor. No, really.
Sense of humor required here.
Site News
New digs.
Due to the brouhaha at LJ, I finally caved and put up a site for my stories.

--DD on 08/09/2007 1:23:53 PM 0 Comments